Sunday, July 11, 2010

The nose knows.......seizure alert

I can't believe I forgot to tell this story when I last posted to the blog. The phone rings at work and it's Danny's sitter, Loretta. She is in absolute panic. Somethings wrong with Kermit! He's going crazy and acting wild. He uprooted a bunch of plants and even ate one right in front of her. Loretta & Danny were getting ready to leave when this all began. She told Danny that they couldn't leave because something was wrong with Kermit. My sister jumped in her truck and headed to the house. Wally was out on a service call so he headed over as well. Loretta feared Kermit had been poisened by the plant. We decided to take Kermit to the animal hospital if we didn't think he would make it to the vet's. When Wally pulled in the driveway and got out of the car, he heard Loretta in the back yard yelling HELP!!!!! Danny had a grand mal seizure. Kermit immediately took his place by Danny and watched over his boy. Kermit was immediately calm. Loretta was amazed that Kermit was trying to stop her from leaving with his boy. He knew what lied ahead. Loretta had experienced her 1st seizure alert. She has gained a new found respect for Kermit and his skilled training. One thing we need to remember is that dogs not only do not speak English, but they also communicate differently than humans.

Last Tuesday Kermit was really out of sorts. He was really anxious. At one point he came up and just sat and starred at me. He kept staying with Danny as if he didn't want to leave him. I told Wally that I thought Kermit was alerting a seizure. Danny was probably going to have one that night or tomorrow (he will sometimes begin alerting a grand mal a day ahead). Wally said that it wasn't seizure alert but a dog that needed to be walked more and got lazy over 4th of July weekend. Wednesday morning Wally recognized that Kermit was definitely alerting. He was pacing, anxious, and was all over Danny sniffing and following him around the house. Wally warned Loretta that Danny was probably going to have a seizure because he was alerting one. Danny did have a seizure at about 3:00 that afternoon. This was the first time we officially picked up on his alert before the seizure in lieu of figuring it out afterwards. We're learning to read Kermit's alert and he's learning to 'fine tune' his communications with us. He did bark this time so he's picking up on that as well. Dogs are definitely sent from heaven to help mankind. Kermit is our angel. BTW.....I told Wally he owes me chinese because I picked up on the alert before he did! LOL


  1. Hi! I am Angie, mom to 3 young kids, 2 with Autism, and we are beginning our search for a service dog for our family, and I just finished reading the entire blog of yours and I must say, what an AWESOME family you all are, and how wonderful it is to have read about your journey with Kermit so far, as we are hoping to be in your shoes too soon! I would love if we could chat further via email? Thanks! Angie

  2. Good boy Kermit! Wow, that is so exciting. I have yet to experience any of that with our dog(s) Hope you get the medical help you need too.
