Saturday, September 11, 2010

Crying Kermit

Well, Kermit has discovered a new part of the hound dog in him. "You ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time"! Yes, Kermit has discovered crying. Oh my, it's been interesting. Dad tells him that no 106 lb. dog can cry. He tells him he's a worker and needs to be a soldier. Kermit just looks at him with this look as if to say, "But I like crying, after all, I see all of you guys with your little habits!"

We've been working hard with Kermit to teach him to bark when he sees a seizure. He alerts so many hours in advance, when he begins sensing that his brain is building up to one, which is great! But we want Kermit to also learn to tell us when the seizure begins. After all, the last seizure Danny had Kermit was the only one with Danny. Although that's great that he stayed with him and tried to keep him safe, he couldn't stop Danny from falling off the glider during his seizing. Kermit is really getting it but it does take time. After all, Danny wasn't with Kermit at 4 Paws during his training, and therefore Kermit now has to train with the seizures themselves. He's such a smart dog and picks up so fast!

Kermit is so funny when he plays with his Nylabone, squeeky ball, and other toys. He lays on his back with his legs in the air, and holding the toys in his paws. It's quite comical. He actually tried one of mom's croc's yesterday.....guess he thought it was an acceptable replacement for mom's slipers!

Now that Kermit is physically bigger and stronger, and Danny is finally feeling well, we are going to begin practicing more on tethering. Please watch for updates. However much tethering we are able to do with Danny & Kermit will be a blessing for all of us!