Time sure flies! I can't believe it's been over 2 months since I've updated the blog. I guess it just shows that we are fully acclimated to Kermit. We update this post with mixed emotions. Kermit is not attending the day program right now. But this is a temporary thing. We were actually the ones that made the decision to keep him home. The day program has been struggling with staffing issues lately. Everyday there were different people in Danny's room. Somedays there people with no experience with dogs. This was making it very difficult for Kermit. After talking with Jeremy, the head trainer at 4 Paws, about Kermit's behaviors we were able to get down to the bottom of it. Kermit had decided that he must be the top dog! He decided he was, as Jeremy said, "at the top of the pecking order". Everyone at day program misses him. His bowl, treats, bone, & mutt mat are still there so he is definitely going back soon.
Danny's seizures have been hit or miss lately. H recently had a span of 25 days seizure free which is awesome. But he's also had a few bouts of cluster seizures (multiple grand mals) which is keeping us confused. Cluster seizures are typically during sleep, so this has been hard to return to. After all, when Danny was a baby almost all his seizures were during sleep. But we will keep plugging. But when Danny gets home Kermit is there to help whenever way he is needed. He cares so much for his Danny boy. The picture is of Kermit comforting Danny after a seizure.
Kenny has been looking for a part-time job. No success yet, the market is tough out there for kids his age. Kevin & I figure the worse case scenario is that we will have a long Kenny-do list for the summer! LOL We can't believe he has only 3 months left of high school. My how he grew up so fast!
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