Kermit is like many dogs with technology and machinery.....it can be quite stressful and scary! Kermit flees the scene when it's time to vacuum. When dad runs the saw, Kermit's not a happy camper, just like Pancake. Well, then he met the shredder. The worst part for him was that Danny was working the shredder. That was really bothersome for Kermit. He kept looking at us as if to say...."Do you really think he should be running the loud machine that's chewing up stuff!?!?!" The other night Kermit would not get out of the truck for dad & Danny. Dad said that at first he thought he was alerting a seizure but usually if Kermit's alerting he would not want to get in the vehicle. If he senses a seizure approaching he hesitates for us to leave, but not to go in the house where it's safe. Then dad finally figured it out! Kermit kept hunkering in the backseat and was starring at the bluetooth on dad's ear! Dad just got it for Christmas and this was Kermit's first experience with this new tool. It was really quite comical. A 100+ lb. dog scared of all these electronics and gadgets. Dad now has to watch the use of his gadgets around the sensitive Kermie.
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