Even if we just make a quick run to the store, or to drop off Kenny off somewhere, we always take Kermit. He's becoming quite seasoned in the mini-van. Even though we removed a seat and made plenty of room for him in the back, he insists on having his own seat. It's quite hilarious! I had to catch a snapshot of Kermit in the car. We are actually thinking of getting him a seatbelt. He probably wouldn't like it as he loves to rest his head on Danny's lap while riding. Saturday we went to Tricia's challenger baseball game. He cried a little because there were a lot of dogs at the park but he soon settled down and resisted the temptation. He stayed very well focused on his boy. We even got to meet one of his 4 Paws classmates, Monroe. He was working the weekend too. :)
Follow the journey as we learn and grow through life with an autism and seizure alert service dog.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Kermit out and about
Even if we just make a quick run to the store, or to drop off Kenny off somewhere, we always take Kermit. He's becoming quite seasoned in the mini-van. Even though we removed a seat and made plenty of room for him in the back, he insists on having his own seat. It's quite hilarious! I had to catch a snapshot of Kermit in the car. We are actually thinking of getting him a seatbelt. He probably wouldn't like it as he loves to rest his head on Danny's lap while riding. Saturday we went to Tricia's challenger baseball game. He cried a little because there were a lot of dogs at the park but he soon settled down and resisted the temptation. He stayed very well focused on his boy. We even got to meet one of his 4 Paws classmates, Monroe. He was working the weekend too. :)
Danny graduates
Danny graduated on May 17th from Neuwoehner School. He did very well at the ceremony. He actually walked through the procession to his seat. He didn't want to go on stage, even with the principal trying to coax him with a Pepsi! Kermit gave Danny the best graduation gift ever. He alerted a grand mal seizure while we were at dinner after the graduation ceremony. Way to go Kermit! It has been sort of bittersweet having Danny graduate. It's been bitter in the fact that Danny is still on several waiting lists and still does not have a program to attend. It's been sweet on the other hand because Kermit loves having Danny home! He loves having people home all day and the fact that he is rarely crated anymore. I can see why parents fight to get their children's service dog's into the schools. Having them seperated for 8 hours a day really slowed the bonding process. So there is some benefit to graduation. When and if we get Danny into a program we will try to keep Kermit with Danny.
Learning about Kermit
I can't believe the time has flown so quickly since I've posted. Kermit is doing wonderful! He is such a blessing to not only Danny, but our entire family. He greats everyone with his 'special smile' and just brings joy to all. Since Danny's graduated the 2 have really had time to bond more. We discovered a new skill of Kermit's. He loves to retrieve mail and bring it to you. This will be great because I plan on having Kermit help Danny bring the mail in this summer. The seizure alert is really coming along. We are starting to pick up on Kermit's signals. He is also very attentive to Danny after his seizures. Kermit has also done well with helping Danny to transition from the car, behavior disruption, and even helping serve as a barricade. Yes, we've discovered that when we're out and Danny is sitting down, we can put Kermit in a down beneath Danny's feet and it deters Danny from getting up! What an awesome dog he is and such a big help for Danny!
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